Meet Roberta

In my mid-fifties I began to experience life from a different perspective. It wasn’t just about getting older. I was transitioning into a new life stage, beginning to reflect on where I had been and thinking more about what was really important. After many years as a psychotherapist working in non-profit organizations and private practice, I was asking “What’s next”?


While I had always loved my work, there was a creative part of myself that had not been fully realized. It was time to let go and open the space for new possibilities, develop my strengths and interests and learn new skills. Coaching was a natural segue which satisfied my desire to continue to work with people. Leaving a career has been an opportunity for a new beginning rather than being the end of a rich and varied work life.


My passion is helping people in midlife and beyond to clarify what they really want to create in the next chapter of their lives. I believe that by exploring our needs and values, tracking life threads that reveal meaning and purpose, and reconnecting with long forgotten dreams, we begin to see who we have been and who we want to be moving forward.


Coaching is about helping people grow into their true selves. It is a strength-based approach for identifying talents and abilities, clarifying what needs must be met for us to thrive, challenging limiting beliefs that are holding us back, and setting and reaching goals that are congruent with our values. As a result we live healthier, more satisfying and meaningful lives.



Roberta Taylor, Board Certified Coach, is an experienced psychotherapist, couples relationship coach, retirement coach and consultant, certified money coach, author and professional speaker.  She facilitates workshops and seminars and speaks to professional, financial, community and women’s organizations on topics related to retirement transition and planning, midlife reinvention, encore careers, and finding meaning and purpose in the second half of life.


She has a Bachelor of Science degree from the State University of New York and a Master’s in Developmental Psychology from Rollins College.


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Pathmaking for Life, growing whole, not old